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Tungsten Automation (formerly Kofax)

Tungsten Automation and Egiss offer a comprehensive solution to administrate your printing and document handling.

Documents are part of your business. All companies create, share, print, collect and edit a large amount of documents, both for use internally in the company and in collaboration with authorities, customers and external partners. The problem for most companies is that these manual document processes are inefficient, expensive, and introduce varying degrees of risk of information being lost or falling into the wrong hands. Egiss has helped many companies with their digital transformation based on innovative solutions.

Egiss is an Authorised Reseller of Tungsten Automation.


Kofax ControlSuite

Kofax ControlSuite integrates printing, data capture and output management into one complete solution at a very attractive license price. With this solution, you increase employee productivity, minimize security breaches and reduce compliance costs.

  • Capture data from all devices: MFPs, scanners, mobile phones, emails, document archives etc.
  • Handle and protect business-critical documents.
  • Increase productivity by ensuring that documents can be used by relevant employees.
  • Ensure compliance and compliance with automatically generated audit trails.

Kofax ControlSuite consists of the products Kofax AutoStore, Kofax Output Manager and Kofax Equitrack - all in one solution with an attractive and clear license structure.

Kofax AutoStore

Whether you are handling invoices, claims, applications or order forms, errors in document processing can be costly for your business. Therefore, automation of business processes can help you become a more efficient digital workplace.

AutoStore offers a central way to manage all document and data capture activities across the company's IT environment. With AutoStore, you automate your document-driven business processes, while reducing costs and improving operational efficiency, communication and collaboration. Finally, with an AutoStore solution from Egiss, you can ensure compliance with the GDPR.

Advantages of using Kofax AutoStore:

  • Transform static documents into digital information that can be used across the enterprise.
  • Protect important documents to prevent unauthorized access to them.
  • Increase employee productivity by increasing the quality of the information gathered.
  • Ensure compliance with business processes by automatically applying consistent business rules depending on the type of document.

Kofax Output Manager

Documents are often sent between employees, customers and partners. Loan documents, applications and a wide range of other documents can contain sensitive or confidential information that needs to be handled properly. Especially in decentralized printing environments, it can be a challenge to keep documents secure while ensuring a transparent audit trail. Output Manager ensures that sensitive information is not printed and forwarded to unauthorized persons.

Advantages of using Kofax Output Manager:

  • Identifies or removes sensitive information before printing.
  • Prevents sensitive documents from being printed or printed only on specific printers.
  • Establishes a log documenting who has accessed or printed sensitive documents.
  • Encrypts data in the print queue.
  • Keeps an electronic copy of printed documents to secure audit trail.
  • Adds a watermark showing ownership of the document.
  • Identifies the rightful owner of documents and prevents routing to unauthorized persons.
  • Simplifies and automates time-consuming workflows.
  • Centralizes print management, reducing hardware costs.
  • Supports on-the-go employees who have access to process information, print, collect and forward information while on the go.
  • Normalises incompatible document formats.

Kofax Equitrac

A simple print job can quickly get complicated. Users, especially the increasingly mobile workforce, often do not know which printer to choose. Printer driver updates burden the IT department. Printers may be offline or unavailable. And when these challenges hit, work stops and the pressure on the help desk increases. Equitrac solves these challenges and ensures full control and traceability for all printing activities.

Advantages of using Kofax Equitrac:

  • Minimizes security risks by enforcing user-centric printing and scanning policies.
  • Enables follow-me printing, ensuring that employees can print and retrieve documents anywhere, anytime.
  • Secures the printer by requiring the user to log in, either via a card reader, via the mobile phone or via the device screen.
  • Protects company information by, for example, adding a watermark to the printout, encrypting data between the application and the device, and adding user information to the printout.

Kofax Safecom

We often see that the amount of print is reduced by up to 20% when the company introduces follow-me print. Safecom simplifies your printing process, reduces printing costs and increases print security.

Advantages of using Kofax SafeCom:

  • Approval
    • Protect against misuse and unauthorized use of corporate MFPs and printers by requiring users to authenticate themselves when logging on to the device.
  • Safe Follow-Me printing
    • Send documents to the SafeCom print server and retrieve them securely from any device at any time.
  • Document encryption
    • Protect documents and data from being intercepted over the network by hackers.
  • Analysis
    • Get an overview of your printing activity at company, department and user level.
  • Mobile printing
    • Allow employees to print via mobile, via email or a web portal.
  • Easy installation
    • Simple, flexible installation with support for most well-known print brands. Contact Scriptor to get a quote on your SafeCom solution.

Kofax Power PDF

Power PDF is the leading PDF solution that provides control over PDF files with the ability to create, convert and compile industry-standard PDF files. Power PDF is the ideal solution for small businesses and mobile users who need a fast and versatile PDF solution that meets their daily needs for efficient document creation and exchange.

Advantages of using Kofax Power PDF:

  • Works like Microsoft desktop products, meaning Power PDF is enterprise-friendly and easy to learn to use.
  • Saves time through highly accurate document conversion.
  • Costs less than Adobe Acrobat via a perpetual license option with a one-time payment. You save 70% over three years compared to a monthly Adobe subscription.
  • Offers a license priced for a team of employees in addition to individual licenses.
  • Emphasizes security through features that protect information and stop tampering.
  • Meets complex needs and supports standardization on a single tool.
Tungsten Automation

Tungsten Automation Printix

Tungsten Automation Printix is a cloud print management SaaS that unleashes the benefits of modern workplace printing. It helps businesses of all sizes eliminate the need to install traditional on-premises print management software with associated print servers.
Tungsten Automation

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