Global IT Logistics Services
Global IT Logistics Cases
Global IT Logistics Partners
About Egiss
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5 continents. 8 countries.

We cover the world. From our hubs.

While the world may seem small, it takes global coverage to deliver to the most remote corners of the world. Our global coverage has been carefully developed to mirror the unique requirements of our clients. We have the global scale to deliver your IT hardware and tech devices. We do it from our strategically located, fully owned and controlled hubs. Our hubs serve as a combined warehouse, configuration and deployment centre. From these hubs, we can warehouse, configure, deploy and ship your IT hardware and tech devices securely and seamlessly.

Jesper Ravn, Group CEO
One might think that it would be possible to supply colleagues in Amsterdam, Buenos Aires and Kyoto with identical Laptops under the same terms and conditions. In reality, it has been an almost impossible task - until we came along
Jesper Ravn, Group CEO Connect with Jesper on LinkedIn
Let's talk

Want to know more about our global coverage?

Interested in hearing how our global coverage can drive value to your company?

Fill out the form, and we will get back to you and setup an introduction call.