Global IT Logistics Services
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Configuration Services from Egiss
Global IT Services


Customise and configure IT hardware and tech devices to support the business.

We assemble, customise and configure your IT hardware and tech devices.

Global coverage

Configuration capability from 8 countries, spanning 5 continents.

While the world may seem small, it takes a global footprint to deliver to most remote corners of the world. From our delivery hubs, we can warehouse, configure, deploy and deliver your IT hardware and tech devices securely and seamlessly. 
Ole Bülow, Solution Director
If you want to tailor your technology to fit your company's needs, it has to be custom configured. This takes time and resources that you may not have available. From our global hubs, we can support you no matter where you want it delivered.
Ole Bülow, Solution Director Connect with Ole on LinkedIn
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Interested in hearing how our Configuration Services can drive value on a global scale?

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