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Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct is made on the backdrop of our company values and on the UN Global Compact’s 10 Principles covering universally recognized principles of human & labour rights, environment, and anti-bribery.

We seek to ensure that the Egiss Group, its employees, suppliers, and all business partners comply and operate in accordance with the requirements of the enclosed Code of Conduct and of all relevant national and international laws.

Should there still be any doubt, we encourage you to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is it legal?
  • Is it in compliance with the Code?
  • Is it ethical?
  • Do I lead by example?
  • Will it reflect positively on the Egiss Group?
  • Would I be comfortable reading about it in the news?
  • Would my relatives and close friends approve of it?

If the answer is “no” to any of the above, avoid doing it – and if still in doubt, ask for help and guidance.

We feel confident that cooperation and dialogue will result in a more efficient partnership with both our customers, suppliers, and other business partners, which all parties will benefit from.